Kekeva and Bordesholm have build "The European House"
An atmospheric documentary
(Kekeva und Bordesholm bauen "Das Europäische Haus")

Video documentary, color, 40 min.

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

A documentary about the German-Latvian Culture Week 2003 in Bordesholm

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

In opposite to most documentaries this atmospheric documentary was done almost without any commentary. The viewer of the film shall feel like a visitor of the Culture Week and feel the atmosphere. Only a few persons involved and artists do some comments.

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

The art project "The European House" is the focus of the film. The works of art shall take effect without words. "The European House" was build together by German and Latvian artist without any arrangements before the Culture Week. This spontaneous co-operation and the work of arts done by it are shown. But also the other projects of the Culture Week will be seen.

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

- Artist's workshop "Drachenhort", Bordesholm, Germany, September 2003
- Different screenings (cinemas, cultural houses), Kekeva & Riga, Latvia, 2003/2004

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

Script, Idea and Directors:
Peter Leder and Mathias Denker
feine Idee Film - Peter Leder and Mathias Denker
Director of photography:
Mathias Denker und Peter Leder
Sören Hinrichsen
Mathias Denker und Peter Leder
Agnese Ziegler und Peter Leder
Agnese Ziegler

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"

Kekeva and Bordesholm have build 
"The European House"


Keep the Blues alive - The Blues Willie Dixon never wrote - The new Anny (Der neue Anny) - fIF-Trailer - The Two Nick Good: Love Is Gonna Go - Sunny Flauers: It's really nasty! That's unfair! (Das find' ich blöd! Das ist gemein!) - The most beautiful dream (Der schönste Traum) - Paula am Meer: The sea (Meer) - "The European House" ("Das Europäische Haus") - Likos: It's up to you to live how you want! (Du kannst alles lernen, was du willst!) - The Works (Durchgedreht - Eine Werkschau) - All dressed up (Schick in Schale) - the comuvnics: Sleep - Felix Krull (Hochstapler Felix Krull) - Music was my first Love ... (Böse Menschen haben keine Lieder) - Up-to-date. (Auf der Höhe der Zeit.) - Smells like ... - Spots for the "Weimar Roll" - Jerusalem (Reise nach Jerusalem) - Man stays Man! (Mensch bleibt Mensch!) - (No) Future? - The waving Woman (Die winkende Frau) - Traffic Attac (Verkehrsinfarkt) - Gone to the Dogs (Faß!) - No Way To Norway


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