Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!
(Du kannst alles lernen, was du willst!)

Video, color, 6 min.

Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!

A music clip with strong roots to the lyrics.

Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!

How music can change your life.

Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!

The lyrics: A schoolgirl forgot or didn't even know, that there is a lust of life and even a lust to learn. The singer Likos (Greek for "The Wolf") shows her the way. She makes a decision: never again learn out of fear.

Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!

The video: The schoolgirl is standing outside of the (school-)life. Grey, insignificant and sad - that is how she goes through a world, which is not hers. Until she make the new decision: Colourful, present and swinging she is going through her world. And because it is a music video, a guitar solo plays an important part.

Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!

- International Festival of Cinema and Technology (IFCT) "World Tour 2004":
  New York, USA; Toronto, Canada; Sydney, Australia - 2004
- Independent Days, Karlsruhe, Germany 2004
- Island Art & Video Festival, London, GB 2004
- Portobello Film Festival, London, GB 2004
- FREAX-Trash-Crash, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2004

- lokal TV, July 2003

Script and Directors:
Mathias Denker and Peter Leder
REKONZENTRA Musik with feine Idee Film
Director of photography:
Mathias Denker
Editing and Sound:
Peter Leder and Mathias Denker
Music production:
Fabian Tuschy (H19 Music Productions)
Britta Clausen
Susan Göttsch
Likos, Anna and
students of the "Humboldt-Gymnasiums", Kiel

Likos: It's up to you to live how you want!


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